9 de set. de 2009



"Love is taught by Memorial Mold"...

You enter a courtyard that couldn't be more
Milanese,surrounded by a normal neighborhood
and with its very own body repair shop inside,
and here you come cross an olive tree,
and its magical shadows dressed by
Antonio with extremely long slip dresses
and bicycle wheels to hold them down
lest they fly away,and so what do you dream in this
Lombardy sky that is absolutely beautiful when
it's beautiful,but sometimes it's not?
Inside, there are other magical sprites and
perfect lighting and floors that tell stories
and tiny clothes of the janas that each time
you see them you get a real lump in your
throat and real clothes all around so gorgeous
you can't help but notice them and tables
for talking and eating and the kids drawings and
glass vases for water and flowers and subtle music...
How delighted Emily Dicknson would be in
Antonio's home!
Lella Costa for Antonio Marras

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